This website and its online services can use cookies for the purpose of improving their services.
The decision to enable the use of cookies on this Website is completely yours. It should be noted, however, that the website works optimally only if the use of cookies is enabled.
What is a Cookie?
Cookies are small files that your browser stores on your computer when you visit our Website. This allows our Website to identify your computer when you visit it next time, in order to accordingly offer you a personalized experience during your browsing.
In order to use cookies in accordance with the Electronic Communications Act, the Act on Personal Data Protection and the EU Directives 2002/58/EC and 95/46/EC, we need your consent.
By using this Website, you are consenting and agreeing to the use of cookies. By blocking cookies you will still be able to browse the site, but some of its features will not be available to you.
Cookies are not aimed at spying on users, do not track everything the user is doing, and are not malicious codes or viruses. Moreover, cookies are not associated with unsolicited messages or spam, cannot store your password, and are not intended exclusively for commercials or advertising.
Information such as your name or e-mail address will not be stored – websites cannot access your personal information and files on your computer.
What Types of Cookies Our Website Uses?
PZ “Maslina i vino” uses two types of cookies on its websites:
Session cookies: these are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you are done with your browsing. These cookies are required for the proper functioning of certain applications or functionalities on this site.
Persistent cookies: persistent cookies can be used to enhance the experience of our users (for example, providing optimized navigation). These cookies remain in the cookie file of your browser for a longer time. This period depends on your Internet browser settings. Persistent cookies allow data to be transferred to the web server each time someone visits the site.
We constantly strive to provide our users the best possible user experience, hence it is necessary to note that our Website works optimally only if cookies are enabled. Cookies allow us to identify you when you re-visit our site, but also to detect and correct errors so that your Website browsing is faster and tailored to your needs. Additional information, such as your name or e-mail address, will not be stored – our Websites cannot gain access to the information not provided by you and cannot access other files on your computer.
Third Party Cookies
PZ “Maslina i vino” uses own cookies on its Websites, but at the same time allows the selected third parties to install their own cookies on the user’s computer (the so-called external cookies). These cookies are not installed by this Website, but some are used for the normal functioning of certain features that facilitate the users’ access to the content. By using this website, the user gives consent to PZ “Maslina i vino” and third parties to use cookies.
How to Disable Cookies?
By enabling/disabling cookies, you decide whether to allow the storage of cookies on your computer. Cookies settings can be controlled and configured in your Internet browser.
You may disable receiving cookies by selecting this option in the Tools / Options menu in your browser.